The problem described below and summarized here, is that the Cobb County Library is, for unknown reasons, apparently buying far to many copies of the same title; the alternative scenario is, that they are buying enough, but for unknown reasons they are not being parceled out to other libraries and end up pretty much dumped enmass at various libraries. My research is limited to my own area, I don't know what you might find in the other 15 libraries, quite probably the same situation.
We have so many multiple copies of books that there is not enough shelf space to put them on, many are stacked up on the top shelf (see photos).
This situation is a major waste of resources, both in the possibility of over ordering of individual titles and absolutely in the nonsense of having so many of the same title that they have to be stacked on top of the shelves.
I don't know what the reason for this is, terrible management comes to mind, but this must change. I have written to the Director of the Cobb County Library and established this blog site so that the chaos of the Cobb County Library is brought to other Taxpayers attention as well as the Library administration, including the trustees.
I also know that my own Downtown Kennesaw library is getting short changed with many of the titles being kept at West Cobb Regional and none at the Downtown Kennesaw branch.
Here is an example of how many copies of various titles are at Cobb West Regional v. how many of the same title are available on the shelf, on the same day (3/19/11 ) at Kennesaw Downtown.
Johnathan Kellerman, ‘Evidence’
17 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 9 copies
1 Kennesaw Downtown
Jeffery Deaver, ‘Roadside Crosses’
9 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 8 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
Julie Garwood, ‘Sizzle’
8 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 7 copies
1 Kennesaw Downtown
James Patterson, ‘Alex Cross’s Trial’
8 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 7 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
James Patterson, ‘Cross Country’
6 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 5 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
Mary Higgins Clark, ‘Just Take My Hand’
13 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 7 copies
1 Kennesaw Downtown
1 Kennesaw Downtown
Catherine Coulter, ‘Knock Out’
10 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 8 copies
2 Kennesaw Downtown
Michael Connelly, ‘The Scarecrow’
9 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 8 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
Pat Conroy, ‘South Broad’
10 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 14 copies
1 Kennesaw Downtown
Stuart Woods, ‘Lucid Intervals’
9 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 5 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
Stuart Woods, ‘Loitering with Intent’
11 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 3 copies
1 Kennesaw Downtown
J. D. Robb, ‘Salvation in Death’
11 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 11 copies
0 Kennesaw Downtown
J. D. Robb, ‘Promises in Death’
8 West Cobb Regional, as of 4/1 there are 9 copies
0 Downtown Kennesaw