1) Nothing ever changes, and
2) Nobody give a damn.
I see that the MDJ has an article out in the 8/17/14 Sunday edition regarding a proposed new Regional Library to replace the small Kennesaw and even smaller Acworth libraries.
See: http://mdjonline.com/view/full_story/25626293/article-New-regional-library-location-OK-d?instance=home_top_bullets.
I don't think this is necessarily a bad idea, but 800K for land and 8.6 million for the facility seems to be something that the taxpayers won't agree to fund via SPLOT by extending the 6 year tax this November. This is NOT a time that voters will be likely to extend taxes, so I wouldn't start digging just yet.
There are a lot of issues raised below that should be taken in hand before we start building a big fancy new library. Read on and see what you think.
You may be here via one of the PATCH posts so you have already seen the first item below, just skip down to the next post.
My complaints go back a long way and things have not changed with the possible exception that duplicate copies are not stored on the tops of the shelving.
From: Kennesaw Patch: Speak Out
Once upon a time I donated my once read books to the Cobb County Library but I was annoyed to find that rather than adding many of these donated volumes to the available books they turned up 'for sale' and not just at the semi-annual 'sale' but in a seperate section in the Kennesaw branch, like they were running a retail book store.
Now I would not donate any book to the library, if I want to sell books then I will do it myself.
==================================================From: Kennesaw Patch: Speak Out
Library sells your donations rather than adding them to their collection!
The MDJ mentions: "The Cobb County Public Library system will hold its semi-annual book sale this weekend at Jim Miller Park."
Now I would not donate any book to the library, if I want to sell books then I will do it myself.
Overpaid and time to make some cuts!
(8/26/2017 - Misc: these figures are 4+ yrs out of date)
Cobb County Library Pay/Staffing:
In this economy it is hard to find a job, those who have one and are overpiad for it should have their pay cut and if they feel that they can do better at some other library they should depart and find greener pastures.
In Cobb County the top 4 people are overpaid. There should be pay cuts of 20% at Grade 64 and 59, we don't need a Library Director at $123,322 + benefits! Also we should trim 15% for the 4 at Pay Grade 57.
The library has 320 employee positions, divided between 124 full time positions and 196 part time positions.
The pay grade range from Grade 40 for the 3 Library Couriers and 30 Library Assistant 1’s ($23-$35,817) to Grade 64 (Library Director $75-$123,322). There are 3 Associate Library Manager positions, at pay grade 59 ($59-$95,264) and 4 Regional/Central Library Manager positions at pay grade 57 ($53-$86,091).
This info is available at the 436 page '2011-2012 Cobb County Biennial Budget' at: http://finance.cobbcountyga.gov/downloads/11-12-biennial-budget.pdf